Friday 18 June 2010

People are LeStrange

Had a shoot planned in East Kilbride with MM's Lily LeStrange and a newbie male model from PureStorm. He'd contacted me a couple of months ago looking to work together, and I suggested he play the victim of a makeover psychopath who would tie him up, cover him in gunk, and come at him with blowtorches, scalpels, etc. "Think Heath Ledger's Joker meets Trinny and Susannah" was how I put it.

He loved it, designated psycho Lily loved it, and eventually we settled on 11am on June 18th as our date. I then got a message at 11pm on the 17th saying he couldn't make it because of a family bereavement, but I didn't see it because I'd gone for an early night (so I could get up in time for the shoot). Had to rush the next morning, and didn't check my messages then either... you see where this is going? Yup, we discovered he'd be a no-show while sitting at the train station where we were supposed to be meeting him. D'oh!

My fault in a way, but very frustrating nevertheless. Lily and myself decided to go to the planned location anyway, but there was a security guard and a dog putting the kibosh on my plans. I suggested the abandoned railway station under the Botanic Gardens in Glasgow as an alternative; bit of a photographic cliché, frankly, but still a very cool place if you haven't visited. Anyhoo, although I was a bit lacking in inspiration, we still got a few good shots, and finished off with some ice cream in the gardens afterwards. The moral of the story? Always bring a spare model to shoots, in case one doesn't show up.

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